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  • アプリ : 雨アラーム iOS/Android
  • 提供元: Carlos Aviles

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ダウンロード (Android)


このお天気アプリとウィジェットは、設定可能なアラームにより降水 (雨や雪)を通知してくれます。最新レーダー動画ではこれからのお天気を見ることができます。

Tired of inaccurate weather forecasts?

Rain Alarm reliably warns you of rain or snow approaching your location using push notifications. Instead of predicting probabilities, we use real time data to warn you as soon as precipitation gets near.

The app animates the latest Doppler-radar images from weather services around the world.

Rain Alarm is useful for everyone that likes to spend time outside and doesn’t want to get caught in the rain!

In the following countries we provide service:

Sweden, Poland, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Spain (incl. Balearic and Canary Islands), Slovenia, Croatia, Belarus, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Iceland, USA, Canada, Mexico, El Salvador, Argentina, Australia, Taiwan, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapur, Brunei and the Philippines.

You like Rain Alarm? Support us by leaving a good review at the app store!

For suggestions and complaints, please contact us directly via Email or Facebook:

[email protected]



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